Student Card (ELS) for those admitted to the University

The Electronic Student Card (ELS) certifies student eligibility and is assigned to a person, not to a course or level of study. Therefore, you can only apply for an ELS if you do not already have an one issued at the University. If:

  • you got into more than one course of study - apply for an ELS only in the context of one programme;
  • you have entered a second level programme and already have a student card issued during your first level programme - you do not need to apply for a new ELS.

Student Card Fee

The fee for ELS is 22 PLN (according to the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education). The fee will be generated automatically on the individual account in the IRK system when the enrolment status is changed to "admitted".

If the payment has been generated, make the payment to your individual bank account (the same to which you paid the recruitment fee). Make sure to indicate in the title of the account the name of the program for which you are paying the fee!

ELS validity extension

To extend the validity of your ELS, please visit Dział Nauczania with your ID card at 9 Kanonicza Street, room 111 (ground floor), within the deadline specified in the ELS extension schedule for the given semester. We encourage you to submit the ID cards collectively.

If you are unable to come on the scheduled date, please contact the ELS Extension and Issuing Point in advance.

NOTE: The office hours of the ELS Extension and Issuing Point are available here.

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